Golden Goose Starter

Save Yemen From Being Wiped Off The Map

Yemen is in an emergency situation for humanitarian reasons. Yemen is currently in an emergency situation.

Yemen has 16 million people in constant hunger. The system of health care in Yemen is essentially broken down because of seven years of war. There’s no better place to get help other than the home, be it dead or alive. COVID19 victims are starving as doctors lack the resources to treat them. They’re too distracted fighting each other instead of making a point of saving their lives.

The country’s degrading conditions have created an ideal environment for HIV transmission. 4 million people are living in poverty, without a permanent residence and are unable to eat because food prices continue increase while wages remain low. Not enough money is available to pay for basic needs like access to clean water and healthcare. Because of this, it is that the pandemic can’t be controlled without international assistance. However, it’s imperative to act swiftly before it becomes too late.

While the Yemenite population has been fighting Cholera spreading for a while however, they are not out of danger. There is a glimmer of possibility of a solution with the help of international organisations like Save The Children US and World Vision UK, along with COVID-19.

How can you help Yemeni people through donating to Welfare Trusts

The welfare trusts are able to provide water and food for millions of people in times of extreme suffering. They also offer COVID-19 hygiene kits that can help stop the spread of this deadly virus, which has already claimed many lives in Yemen.

In the last few years, Welfare trusts have worked tirelessly in Yemen to assist those who are most in need. They continue to provide humanitarian assistance in extremely difficult circumstances, where they face conflict and difficulty getting to their destinations, which is the reason there’s the need for international agencies similar to them.

It’s a challenging time for many people, and we’re glad that we have assistance for those in need. By working with local partner organisations and dispensing food items as well as cash to help people purchase essential items while helping the economy could lead them out of hunger or at least closer to being able to eat.

Many generous donors have contributed their time and money to give women in Yemen an opportunity to live a better life. A welfare trust maternity hospitals are supported by donations from charitable organizations to ensure that all women are able to safely give birth without facing health risks or the risk of dehydration during labor. Rehabilitation units offer post-birth care that includes medication, if needed and psychological assistance when mothers return in the community again.

In response to COVID-19 a lot of welfare trusts have started to provide hygiene kits for families who live in camp sites, and safe water so it can be used at public facilities, such as schools or hospitals.

For more information, click yemen donations

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